The Mission:

The Next Generation

We’re in a race against time

Why Kids?

It’s no secret. Children are under attack. Whole ideologies rise and fall on one simple fact: Children are pliable. Kids are dry sponges, empty books, open doors. Whoever gets to them first controls the future. And the target age for indoctrination keeps getting younger and younger.


Of a Child’s Worldview is Established by Age 13


Of Christians Are Saved by Age 14

The “4-14 Window” represents the largest, most reachable, and most spiritually open people group—children between the ages of 4 and 14, and God has given us a window to reach this generation. During this key time, a child’s heart and mind are most receptive to the Gospel and a Christian worldview. We have an opportunity to plant the seed of the Gospel and give them the ability to experience the supernatural power of God. Jesus is the only Answer that can heal broken homes and hearts, but they need to see genuine, life-changing faith.

The time is now!

We are passionate about the 4-14 window. It’s our vision to see local churches rise up and protect the least of these within their own communities. One of the best ways to reach these children with the truth is through after-school Bible Clubs.

Why Bible Clubs?

With the majority of children going to public school, Bible clubs provide an unparalleled avenue to connect with children and to give them encouragement and hope through the good news of the gospel. We have the opportunity to share the truth and help protect them from dangerous worldviews and unbiblical beliefs.


Of Children in Oklahoma

Attend Public School


Of Children do not Attend

Church on a regular basis.

Ready to stand up and impact the next generation for Christ?

Learn and Implement a 7-Step Plan to Start a Bible Club

Step 1

Develop a Prayerful Vision

Every great venture of God begins in prayer. Ask God to reveal His vision for this ministry opportunity. Ask for a burden for yourself and for the people with the right skills for the job. Pray for ready and willing volunteers, favor with the school administration, and clear direction.

Step 2

Build a Team

You can’t do it alone. Having the right people involved is vital for success. You have a burden for the children in your community, or even just your community as a whole. There are others like you. Your job is to find them. You can start by sharing your vision with others and ask them to join you in the mission.

Step 3

Contact the School

Once you have your team, you’re ready to reach out to your local elementary school. It sounds scary, but it doesn’t have to be. We have resources available to help you feel cool and confident as you interact with the school staff. You’ll be talking the lingo like a pro in no time!

Step 4

Get Trained

The school finally got back to you and said they’re interested in partnering with you! You’re working out the details there. Now, it’s time to get some training! Without proper training, discouragement, ineffectiveness and frustration can undermine the entire program.  Schedule a free live training with us to prepare your team for action!

Step 5

Stage a Club Rehearsal

It sounds unnecessary, but in this game, preparation is key. Scheduling a practice club helps teammates be prepared for the real thing, gives extra practice so you can breathe easy when game day comes, and shows you where the weak parts are so you can improve.

This is your final chance to discuss the nuts and bolts of the club, verify team roles, and finalize details with the school.


What is a Bible club?

A Bible Club is an after-school program for children in the public school that is 100% legal.

Is this even legal? What about separation between church and state?

Yes, it’s 100% legal! The Supreme Court issued a ruling in 2001 that stated that if a school allowed any after-school programs on its premises, it could not discriminate against religious programming. Because the Bible club is an after-school program, it’s completely voluntary to attend, which means that as long as the parents give their consent, the children are allowed to come.

How many volunteers are needed for a club?

This will depend primarily on how many children come to the Club. We suggest having one volunteer for every 5-8 children who attend as a minimum. We have found that a Club can be run successfully with as few as 6 volunteers.

What time should the Bible Club be?

That will depend on the school you’re partnering with. Usually, we want to be ready to receive kids right as school lets out. This tends to be around 3:00 or 3:30. It’s wise to get there 20-30 minutes early to set up small and large group stations so we’re 100% focused on the kids when they come!

What are the typical roles for a Bible Club?

There are many different ways to help, and there’s something for everyone. The most common roles for Bible Clubs are:


Club Coordinator – The point person responsible for what happens at that club. Responsibilities include the sign-in process, high-level decisions, and discipline.

Large Group Leaders – Enthusiastic individuals that don’t mind being up in front. Responsibilities include leading the group in songs and verses and teaching the Bible lesson.

Small group leaders – Individuals who like smaller, interactive groups.

Responsibilities include preparing to expound on what was taught in Large Group, taking prayer requests from the kids, answering questions, and bringing objects or illustrations that highlight that week’s topic.  (An individual can be in both large and small groups.)

Other roles include bringing and passing out snacks, setting up and tearing down, and welcoming the children.